In smart buildings, connected devices such as lights, security, HVAC, and AV converge on the IP network where these systems communicate with each other, collect actionable data, and drive efficiencies. All predicated on a reliable power infrastructure, Fault Managed Power solutions that can be centralized, monitored and backed-up are an ideal platform to build upon. Also, the enhanced safety features expedite installation and reduces new construction and renovation costs.
Wireless connectivity continues to transform the way people work, live and play. Reliable connections, secure access to data, and on-demand communication capacity are mainstays of our everyday experience. These resources are the fourth-utility that people rely on to get through their day. In any wireless architecture (Wi-Fi, DAS, 5G, CBRS, etc) FMP provides safe power anywhere it is needed to power remote radios. Run fiber and copper in the same pathways for a faster installation, and centralize power distribution for easy power back-up, monitoring, and control in a more reliable wireless network..
Fault Managed Power solutions drastically reduce the complexity, time and costs associated with edge-based networking deployment. By empowering the freedom and flexibility to locate modular resources anywhere in the industrial environment, a simplified and scalable network is created that solves the challenge of supporting connected industrial devices both today and in the future.
Fault Managed Power solutions reduce the CAPEX for indoor farms by radically simplifying the installation of power distribution. By eliminating 75% of conventional electrical equipment, FMP solutions not only reduces maintenance expenses but also enhances energy efficiency, leading to substantial OPEX reductions.